Stunt driving is a serious offense often viewed as having various interpretive and constitutional ambiguities.
According to Section 172, "Racing, stunts, etc., prohibited":
172 (1) No individual shall operate a motor vehicle on a highway in a race or contest, for a wager, or while performing a stunt. 2021, c. 26, Sched. 1, s. 15 (4)
O. Reg. 455/07, s. 2(3)(i) defines “race” and “contest” as “Operating a motor vehicle without due care and attention, without reasonable consideration for other road users, or in a manner that may endanger any person by... driving a motor vehicle at a speed that significantly exceeds the lawful speed limit.”
The list of offenses is often non-exhaustive and includes driving 50 kilometers per hour over the speed limit, which closely resembles a speeding violation.
Stunt driving results in an automatic 30-day license suspension that takes effect immediately at the roadside. To regain your license, you must visit a Service Ontario (MTO) office after the suspension period ends and pay a reinstatement fee.
This is not merely a ticket. It could jeopardize your job, your family's financial stability, or your ability to provide for your household. Your insurance premiums could skyrocket, potentially costing you thousands of dollars. We aim to help you avoid these consequences.
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